People : Celebrities
1 - 9 of 9 entries.
PeopleAmerican weekly human-interest magazine offering celebrity news, photos & other exclusives.
Famous BirthdaysPlatform publishing biographies and the birthdays of celebrities along with popular people on social networks who are internet famous.
In Touch WeeklyWeekly tabloid magazine focused on publishing stories about celebrity gossip & entertainment news.
Perez HiltonBlog which dishes up juicy celebrity gossip on popular Hollywood stars.
POPSUGARBlog by Lisa Sugar regularly publishing fun & friendly pop culture content.
TMZThirty Mile Zone publishes the latest celebrity & entertainment news, gossip and rumors.
Us WeeklyOfficial website of the weekly magazine publishing today's top celebrity news & photos, style tips, exclusive video & more.
WeSmirchAutomated aggregation tool which highlights the juiciest celebrity news and gossip from all around the web on a single page.
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