Education : Finance
1 - 23 of 23 entries.
EconEdLinkOffers hundreds of personal finance & economics lesson plans, videos, activities, & tools for K-12 teachers and students.
Biz Kid$Online course which helps kids learn about business, entrepreneurship & money.
Choose to SaveFinancial literacy resource which promotes the importance of saving money through user-friendly multimedia materials.
Council for Economic EducationThe CEE aims to equip K-12 students with the tools and knowledge of personal finance and economics so that they can make better decisions.
FamilyMintBook and course which teach kids about money management in a hands-on way.
Federal Reserve EducationGuide created by the central bank of the United States to teach kids about banking and common financial transactions.
Finance in the ClassroomResource created by the Utah State Board of Education to promote high-quality personal finance materials for K-12 educators, students and parents.
High School Financial Planning ProgramThe HSFPP is a turnkey financial literacy program catering toward teens, helping them to understand the basics of personal finance.
HowTheMarketWorksStock market simulator which lets users create accounts with virtual money to trade stocks, ETFs and mutual funds using real-time prices.
Jump$tart ClearinghouseOnline database which helps teachers, parents and caregivers find lesson plans and resources to teach personal finances and money management to children.
Jump$tart CoalitionOrganization working to advance the financial literacy of preschool through college-age youth through public advocacy.
Money as You LearnProvides teachers with Common Core aligned texts, lessons, and tasks that connect the Common Core to real life applications while also equipping students with the knowledge needed to understand personal finance.
Money Matters: Make it CountA suite of financial education resources for teens offered by Boys & Girls Clubs of America in collaboration with Charles Schwab Foundation.
My Classroom EconomyProgram created by Vanguard which helps educators teach financial responsibility through fun, experiential learning.
MyCreditUnion.govInformation site which helps people understand how credit unions work. They also offer a popular mini-site named Pocket Cents which helps people learn how to make smarter financial decisions for a stronger, brighter future.
MyMoney.GovWebsite created by the Federal Financial Literacy and Education Commission to help children understand how money and the economy work.
Next Gen Personal FinanceNGPF is a non-profit organization founded by Tim and Jessica Endlich in 2014 to offer teachers free personal finance curriculum to teachers.
Practical Money SkillsOnline resource for educators, parents and students focused on financial literacy and education.
Smart About MoneyPublishes free online courses about finances which students can take at their own pace and time.
TeachFinLit.orgGuide by Champlain College educators which helps high school teachers teach financial literacy.
The Kids' Guide to Emergency SavingsIn-depth financial planning and money management guide for children which teaches the value of having emergency savings set aside.
TheMint.orgMoney management guide for kids founded in 1997 by Northwestern Mutual.
U.S. Currency Education ProgramEducational resources created by The Federal Reserve Board, ensuring that the public has access to education, training & information about Federal Reserve notes.
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Last Updated: 21-Sep-2020