Webmaster : CMS
1 - 11 of 11 entries.
Joomla!A mobile-ready & user-friendly open source way to build websites offering thousands of features & designs. The PHP CMS was founded as a fork of Mambo on August 17, 2005.https://www.joomla.org
AlgoliaHosted search API service which enables ecommerce & media platforms to embed a fault tolerant site-search feature. The company was founded on October 10, 2012 by Julien Lemoine & Nicolas Dessaigne.https://www.algolia.com/
DrupalFree & opensource content management platform for building compelling digital experiences. Dries Buytaert released the first version of the software on May 18, 2000.https://www.drupal.org/
ExpressionEngineA flexible, feature-rich content management platform that empowers hundreds of thousands of individuals & organizations around the world to easily manage their websites.https://expressionengine.com
GhostHeadless CMS which enables creators to launch newsletters and membership websites. John O'Nolan founded the company in April 2013.https://ghost.org/
HTTPS CheckerUtility which enables webmasters to check website content for common SSL/HTTPS warnings & to identify HTTPS mixed content issues in real-time.https://httpschecker.net
MediaWikiFree & open source PHP software package which allows webmasters to build interactive community-driven encyclopedia websites using the same CMS used by the Wikipedia project.https://www.mediawiki.org/
MediumA place to read, write, and interact with the stories that matter most. Every day thousands of new voices share. Evan Williams launched the platform in August of 2012.https://medium.com/
MoodleAn open source software package widely used as a course management system or learning platform. Martin Dougiamas released the first version of the software on August 20, 2002.https://moodle.org/
UpdatableTool which makes it easy for content creators to instantly update any page while circumventing bottlenecks created by complex content management systems & ecommerce platforms.https://www.updatable.com/
VuukleCompany which helps publishers add interactive features like user comments, a powerful analytics dashboard & embeddable widgets.https://vuukle.com/
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Last Updated: 1-Jul-2021