Home : Urban Living
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Walk ScoreCompany offering a scoring system to help renters find apartments with a better commute, great nearby places, and transportation choices.https://www.walkscore.com/
City JournalQuarterly publicly policy magazine first published in winter of 1990 by the Manhattan Institute for Policy Research. They cover urban policy, political science & culture from a free-market perspective.https://www.city-journal.org/
CityLabPublishes original reporting, sharp analysis & visual storytelling to inform & inspire the people who are creating the cities of the future.https://www.citylab.com
CitynoiseBlog founded in 2014 offering city life, cooking & home decor advice.http://www.citynoise.org/
CTODOfficial website of the Center for Transit-Oriented Development, which is dedicated to providing innovative practices, policy reform, research, analysis & investment tools to support TOD implementation.http://ctod.org
DemographiaPublisher of demographics developments & market research which impacts urban planning policy.http://demographia.com/
Kunstler.comPersonal blog of James Howard Kunstler, an American book author & public speaker known for discussing changes in suburbia & urban living.http://kunstler.com/
National Community Reinvestment CoalitionThe NCRC is a grassroots member organization which works with community leaders, policymakers & financial institutions to help create opportunities for people to build wealth.https://ncrc.org/
NeighborhoodScoutReal estate resources for those considering buying a home. Use customized neighborhood searches to track crime, appreciation, schools & more. Find pre-screened real estate agents, relocation services & financing services across the USA.https://www.neighborhoodscout.com/
New GeographyCollaborative project which explores urban & suburban living. They publish a broad range of economic, demographic & political commentary.http://www.newgeography.com/
NLCThe National League of Cities serves professionals working in municipal government & the interests of 19,000 cities, towns & villages in the United States.http://www.nlc.org/
Organize-ItSells a selection of storage & organization products. Their range includes closet systems, wire shelving, and a variety of kitchen accessories & closet design services.http://www.organizeit.com/
Pedestrian ObservationsUrban living blog by Alon Levy which promotes walkability & good transit while highlighting pollution problems & other boondoggles.https://pedestrianobservations.wordpress.com/
Reconnecting AmericaNational nonprofit organization which advises civic & community leaders on how to integrates transportation & community development.http://www.reconnectingamerica.org/
selfsufficientish.comAn inspiring & informative guide to urban homesteading on a budget, offering advice on how to become more self-sufficient.http://www.selfsufficientish.com/
StorablesRetailer offering storage products designed to help organize every part of the home: kitchen, bath, office, closets, garage & more.https://www.storables.com/
Strong TownsOrganization which publishes news & information which helps American cities, towns & neighborhoods achieve enduring prosperity.https://www.strongtowns.org/
The City Mayors FoundationInternational think tank which examines how the city mayors who govern the world's cities deal with today's urban issues.http://www.citymayors.com/
The Container StoreRetailer which sells storage and organization products to help people make the most out of small spaces.http://www.containerstore.com/
Transportation For AmericaAlliance of elected, business & civic leaders from communities across the country, ensuring states & federal government invest in smart, homegrown, locally-driven transportation solutions.http://t4america.org/
Urban InstituteSocial & economic policy research think tank offering solutions to help expand opportunities for all people, reduce hardship among the most vulnerable, and strengthen the fiscal health of governments and effectiveness of public policies.http://www.urban.org/
Urban Land InstituteThe ULI is the oldest and largest network of cross-disciplinary real estate & land use experts in the world.https://uli.org/
US IgniteNonprofit organization which spurs economic growth by promoting the adoption of ultra-fast fiber & wireless networks.https://www.us-ignite.org/
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Last Updated: 1-Feb-2025