Finance : Investing
1 - 25 of 25 entries.
VanguardLarge investment companies with more than $3 trillion in global assets invested. They offer mutual funds, IRAs, EFTs and 401(k) plans.
Better InvestingNonprofit organization that has helped over 5 million people learn how to invest profitably in stocks of high-quality growth companies.
BogleheadsInvestment advice community & reference resource inspired by Vanguard founder & investor advocate John Bogle.
CFA InstituteGlobal association which helps investment management professionals better serve their clients in a transparent & ethical manner.
Charles SchwabInvestment, retirement & financial services company founded in April of 1971 as First Commander Corporation by Charles R. Schwab.
Council of Institutional InvestorsCII is a nonprofit association of pension funds, other employee benefit funds, endowments & foundations which was began in 1985. They are a leading voice for effective corporate governance & strong shareowner rights.
Fidelity InvestmentsAn online trading brokerage founded in 1946 which offers IRAs & retirement planning, mutual funds, ETFs & more to help investors meet their goals.
FINRA.orgThe Financial Industry Regulatory Authority is a private corporation which acts as a regulatory body for brokerage firms and exchange markets.
Goldman SachsA leading global investment banking which was founded in 1869. The securities and investment management firm that provides a wide range of financial services to a substantial and diversified base of clients.
Institutional InvestorA leading monthly global finance magazine, focused primarily on international finance & known for its extensive industry research and rankings. The magazine was founded in 1967.
Investment Company InstituteThe ICI is a global association of regulated funds across a broad range of markets including mutual funds, exchange-traded funds, close-end funds & unit investment trusts. The organization was founded in the wake of the Great Depression via the Investment Company Act of 1940.
Investor.govWebsite operated by the SEC which offers tools to check investment professionals, interactive research tools & other objective resources for the average investor.
MaxMyInterestFinancial technology company which helps savers earn interest by shifting their money between FDIC insured savings accounts. Gary Zimmerman founded the service in April 2014.
MoneychimpOffers articles & interactive features which explain investing & personal finance using clear & concise language.
Northern TrustAmerican financial services company founded in 1889 by Byron Laflin Smith. They specialize in wealth management, asset management & asset servicing.
Pensions & InvestmentsInternational newspaper of money management founded in 1973 which is written for pension, portfolio & investment management executives.
RaisinA leading European deposit marketplace which allows customers to achieve higher interest rates with their savings. The company was founded as SavingGlobal in 2013 by Frank Freund, Michael Stephan & Tamaz Georgadze.
SEC.govOfficial website of the United States Securities and Exchange Commission. They enforce federal securities laws to protect investors; maintain fair, orderly, and efficient markets; and facilitate capital formation.
SIFMAThe Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association is a trade group formed on November 1, 2006 to represent securities firms including broker-dealers, banks & asset management companies.
SIPCThe Securities Investor Protection Corporation is a non-profit organization which helps investors recover some of their losses in the event their broker-dealer fails.
The American Association of Individual InvestorsAAII provides the education & guidance needed to build & manage investment wealth. They offer coverage of stocks, ETFs, mutual funds & bonds.
The Investor's PodcastShow by Preston Pysh & Stig Brodersen which studies the books & ideas that billionaires write & read.
Verify InvestorService which allows individual investors to certify accreditation status as well as help issuers to quickly verify investor status confidentially.
Virtu FinancialHigh-frequency trading & market making firm founded by Vincent Viola in 2008. They serve markets including equities, commodities, currencies, options & fixed income across hundreds of venues.
YieldStreetAsset-based alternative investments platform founded on January 5, 2015 by Dennis Shields, Michael Weisz & Milind Mehere.
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Last Updated: 19-Mar-2025