Accounting : Personal Software
1 - 7 of 7 entries.
QuickenCompany which sells Windows and Macintosh personal financial management and budgeting software.
H&R BlockCompany offering in-person tax preparation services and downloadable tax preparation software.
MintOnline money management and bill paying software company which tracks and helps optimize consumer budgets.
Tax FreedomOfficial website of the TurboTax Free File Program which is available to those who earned $34K or less, or are active duty military who earned $66K or less, or qualify for the earned income tax credit.
TaxActFree and easy-to-use software which prepares, prints and e-files income taxes.
TaxSlayerState & federal income tax preparation software company which was founded in 1965 by Aubrey Rhodes, Sr.
TurboTaxTax preparation software which allows free IRS efile and files state income taxes.
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