IllumiRate / Finance / Investing / Real Estate

Investing : Real Estate


1 - 16 of 16 entries.

  • BiggerPockets
    Social network for the commercial & residential real estate investing community. The company was founded by Joshua Dorkin on October 22, 2004.
  • Appraisal Institute
    The AI is a global membership association of professional real estate appraisers in around 60 countries throughout the world. The organization was founded in 1932 and consists of practicing real estate appraisers & property analysts who provide valuation-related services to such clients as mortgage lenders, financial institutions, government agencies, attorneys & financial planners as well as homeowners & other individual consumers.
  • Cadre
    Online marketplace which helps investors find commercial real estate investment opportunities. Ryan Williams found the company on September 11, 2014.
  • Carrot
    Service which helps real estate investors & agents create conversion oriented websites that drive leads. Trevor Mauch founded the company in 2013.
  • eFront
    Alternative investment software which helps connect investors with opportunities in the real estate, infrastructure, private equity & private debt markets. Olivier Dellenbach founded the company in 1999.
  • Flash Raise Funding
    Private lender offering hard money loans for rental properties, multi-family, and fix & flip properties.
  • Global Property Guide
    An authoritative source of information on investing in overseas property markets. They help investors compare countries on the basis of rental yields, taxes & investment prospects.
  • Groundfloor
    Crowdfunded real estate investment platform founded by Brian Dally & Nick Bhargava in 2013.
  • Mashvisor
    Platform which helps real estate investors locate properties with desirable rental income streams. The company was founded in 2014 by Mohammed Jebrini & Peter Abualzolof.
  • Mynd
    Mobile property management app which makes it easy to see up-to-the-minute real estate performance data. Colin Wiel & Doug Brien founded the company in 2016.
  • National Real Estate Investor
    A leading authority on trends in the commercial real estate markets for corporate executives & senior-level managers.
  • REI Nation
    Resource offering real estate investing education and investment portfolio management services to help people create passive income streams through real estate. The company was founded in 2003 by Sherry Clothier & Kent Clothier Sr. as Memphis Invest.
    Official website of the National Association of Real Estate Trusts. They publish investor news, industry trends, indexes & FAQs.
  • Roofstock
    Online marketplace for buying & selling rental properties. The investment property platform was founded in 2015 by Devin Wade, Gary Beasley, Gregor Watson & Rich Ford.
  • stREITwise
    Company with experience managing complex real estate investments through multiple business cycles. They help accredited & unaccredited investors invest in real estate across the United States.
  • The Real Estate Guys
    Real estate investing podcast by Robert Helms & Russell Gray which has broadcasted weekly on conventional radio since 1997.

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